It sounds like an outrageous idea, but it really existed. These were non-automated jukeboxes. You put your coin in the jukebox, then picked up the attached telephone which connected you to an operator in a central control room. This served perhaps several dozen jukeboxes in various locations and contained banks of turntables, one for each jukebox. The operator then played the requested record which was transmitted through the telephone line to the jukebox. Strange but true.
The heroine of this movie, a would-be singer named Judy, gets a job as a jukebox telephone operator while waiting for her big break. We get to see this bizarre operation in action. A friend suggests she should make a record as a kind of early version of an audition ta

Back to our story. The ageing owner of the recording studio has discovered a tall blonde singer and has decided she’s going to be the next big star. He has no idea if she can actually sing or not, but she’s tall and blonde and that’s good enough for him. In fact Phoebe can’t sing at all, but there’s a mix-up and a re

The plot revolves around a series of further confusions as Judy and her pal and agent Marge try to sort things out so Judy can get her big break after all. Judy and Marge live in theatrical boarding house inhabited by assorted magicians and acrobats who all pitch in to help.

Yet another interesting thing about this movie is that it’s a musical B-movie, made by Poverty Row studio PRC (famed for the incredible cheapness of most of their movies). In spite of this it manages not to look too shoddy and it does have a certain charm.
The comic relief provided by Benny’s offsider Bobo and by Judy’s pals in the boarding house is less painful than in most American movies of this era. The acting is generally not too bad, and Martha Tilton is likea

The songs are decent enough as well. All in all it’s 76 minutes of pretty reasonable entertainment.
It’s in the public domain so it’s easy enough to get hold of (and can of course be downloaded legally). The downloaded print I saw was pretty rough but watchable. have no idea if the various DVD releases are any better. If you can pick it up cheaply it’s worth a look.